Стикеры по тегу social bookmarking

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Folkd.com - social bookmarking site with an average add-on. every link added to the site requires typing in a Captcha without Pro account.

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SecondBrain.com - Social bookmarking site. Decent bookmarklet. Can organize websites into collections with an automatic screenshot.

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bagtheweb - a social bookmarking website where a "bag" is filled with associated links. links look attractive. not a lot of activity.

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Gemsta.com - Great. Allows storing of links, videos, images, text, products, & more. Good bookmarklet; Toolbar not Firefox 4.0 compatible.


12 лет назад

Favorite social bookmarking site discovered so far.

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Trailmeme - unique concept. bookmarks stored as "trails;" can be fun to make. good for sharing but poor for organizing. clunky bookmarklet.

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